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Surah For Family Problems
Surah For Family Problems or wazifa to stop fighting in family can be called dua to keep family together. You can use our dua for family happiness.
Which Surah Is Good for Family Problems?
Every family has their problems, some problems get solved over time, but some problems never find their solutions. Sometimes these family problems become fights that can get ugly. Then it gets very depressing when your family members fight over small problems. Leaving all the love and bond behind and only focusing on saying bad and mean words to each other.
Surah for family problems is the best dua for removing disputes between the family members. I would say it is the best tonic out there for any family problem. With the help of this Surah:
- You can see positive changes in the family
- You can see people talk out their disputes
- Also, you can see the negative air blow away
- You can see things getting peaceful again
To do Surah for family problems, follow the following procedure:
- Do your regular namaz
- Then, do the isha prayer
- Then recite Durood-E-Shareef 40 times.
- After that, recite the dua below 140 times.
Yaa haa-qua-ai laa ila-aha e-lla an-taa su-bha-na-aka in-nii kun-too mii-na-zz aa-lla-mee-na yaa sai-ya-ri ida-al ka-ree-mai ne hu-maa-tee bis-mi-llah rah-nu-ma hma-ana
- Then again, recite Durood-E-Shareef 11 times and pray to Allah for his help.
- This will help you to solve your family problem.
Wazifa To Stop Fighting In Family
Wazifa To Stop Fighting In Family, A family fight between adults or parents can be stressful for the kids or the other family members. Family fights might be okay if done once in a while, but more frequent fights bring cracks into the relationships. They are the sole reason that can destroy relationships of a lifetime.You can stop fighting in family and make your family stronger using Dua To Make Relationship Stronger.
As family members, we feel that it is our responsibility to keep our family together. If there are fights in your family, then ‘Wazifa to stop fighting in family’ is the right solution for you. This wazifa is powerful and helped many Muslim families. After using it, you can see changes in your family.
To do this wazifa, you need to follow the procedure:-
- Doing a powerful WUZU is the most helpful.
- After Ishan Namaz sit in a clean place in the house and think about the fights.
- Then, recite Durood-E-Shareef 11 times.
- Next, recite the dua below for 100 times
- Abi-dul Alla-huma Aji-tu-llah Ra-kqi-be Ra-han-num an-sa-ri Na-fal Ka-sa-lwa Aa-min.
- Then recite dua (only once ) (it is supplementary):
- Allah Um-mai-nnia Mi-na Al Ham-m-wa’l Haz-nwa Ajwa L Ka-sa-lwa L Bu-kha’l Al Rijal
Now you have to do one more work under the final procedure. You ask Allah to improve the relationship of your parents. Allah will surely listen to your sincere prayers. The effect of the Wazifa to stop fighting in the family will be on your family gradually. Within a few days, you will find that your family is the happiest in this world.
Dua To Keep Family Together
Dua To Keep Family Together, Every one of us wants a happy family and a united family. Being with your whole family is the only time when we re-enjoy ourselves and forget about the world’s worries and work. But what can we do if the same family which we cherish a lot is breaking away slowly? And this is the family that we build together and also the one we cherish a lot.
Dua to keep your family together is the best one for our families. I would even say it is super glue that every family needs. This dua keeps the family together. Not only that, it even strengthens the relationships and removes any malice from the heart of one another. To get the full effect of this dua, you need to do your namaz daily. Only then it will help you.
Surah For Family Problems
To do this, you need to recite the dua given below seven times after your morning and evening namaz. After performing the dua, you need to pray to Allah to keep your family together and ask him to help you keep them together.
Ra-ba-na wa-la tah mil ala-inaa is-raan kaa-maa ha-ma-al ta-hu al-al la-zee-na min ka-bi-la-na rab-ba-na wa-la tu-ham kau-mill ka-fee-reen
You can perform this dua according to your comfort but imagine a happy and united family. Also, have a positive mindset while doing this dua as we know a positive mindset will attract positive results and bring positivity in life.
Dua For Family Happiness
Dua For Family Happiness, Happiness in a family is very impotent, even if there is no fight or stress. You must have heard that if there is no happiness in the family, the family members living together becomes very suffocating. This situation is very bad, indeed. Perhaps that’s why we all wish for a happy family. If family members are not happy together, it is very common to search for it elsewhere.
Dua for family happiness is just for you if you want to smile on your family members’ faces. This dua helps by removing all the negativity from everyone’s heart. And it puts a positive and friendly outlook in the heart of your family. Dua works for everyone, no matter the gender or the age. But you should be a true Muslim at heart.
To do this dua, you need to follow the procedure given below:
- As you always know, first, you need to do your daily prayer or NAMAZ.
- Then it would help if you read Surah Al- Falaq and after that read Surah-An-Nas.
- After doing it, pray to Allah for bringing happiness to your family.
- Finally, it would help if you read Bismillah 100 times.
You need to perform this dua in a clean place, and if you want, you can put some fragrance in the room. You need to perform this dua for 40 days. During these 40 days, it is very important to think positively and have a positive outlook on every situation. Solve all problems related family using our Powerful Amal For All Problems.
For family unity and love, today, we have learned about dua and wazifa through this article. All the Wazifa and dua mentioned in the article will solve all the house issues and erase all the bad feelings from the family members’ hearts. All you need to do is trust your Allah. Allah helps everyone. If you are a true Muslim, he will help you.
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